The Captains

2023-24 Jim Manton & Gilly Branson

It is with great anticipation and enthusiasm that we are looking forward to following in the footsteps of our predecessors most recently Jeff Haywood, Sue Barber and Chris Blaney to undertake the privileged roles as Captains for our fantastic Golf Club.

2022/23 was a great year for Jeff, Sue and Chris and we intend to take forward the momentum they have created for us all especially as the previous two years had such a negative impact on all aspects of life for most of us so to begin to get back to “normal” was so refreshing.

We have lots of things planned and we will be working together as a collaboration along with our vice captains to make this an enjoyable year for us all.

Our Charity this year is Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance which is such a worthy charity as of course they all are, but with Jim having first-hand experience of just how valuable they are and my career within Nottinghamshire Fire & Rescue service we believe it to be a perfect fit. Douglas and the Seniors are also supporting this charity having done so for many years, fingers crossed we will have you all on board and provide them with a substantial donation by the end of our captaincies.

Our main aim for the year is to have “fun” enjoying the game we love so much but to also bring as many people together socially as we can by putting on more events and would like to encourage everyone to get involved. Communication as we know is essential and we are approachable and amiable, give us feedback and ideas.

We would like to thank all our Staff and volunteers for making our Club the fantastic one that it is, their commitment and hard work should not be underestimated.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of this.
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